Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Foundation
When they learned that not everyone was ready for a campaign, SIR took important steps to lay solid foundations and was rewarded for the effort.
Based on the Society of Interventional Radiology’s new strategic Plan calling for current program and endowment funding for Research Grants, Educational Initiatives, and Clinical Trial Development, the SIR Foundation engaged The Sheridan Group to conduct a 45-interview feasibility study on behalf of a proposed $21 million campaign.
The study concluded that the Foundation was in a state of ‘mixed readiness…’ physician members were in full support of the effort, while industry prospects, including selected Pharma members and device makers, were in a holding pattern relative to some shifts in the laws regarding healthcare philanthropy. We planned and executed an extraordinarily successful ‘membership phase’, which secured more than $2.7 million toward its $2.5 million goal. Importantly, this total was four times greater than the amount contributed in the previous campaign five years earlier. This effort provided important wind in the sail and enable the Foundation to initiate the ‘industry phase’ in confidence.